webview hardware acceleration android

One thought on “ android webview flicker when using hardware acceleration on android 3.0+ ” similan may 17, 2013 at 8:16 am. oh yes i feel your pain.. Hi all, i've found that if you put a webview into a scrollview and have hardware acceleration turned on (android 3.0+), when you scroll the scrollview the webview. Beginning in android 3.0 (api level 11), the android 2d rendering pipeline is designed to better support hardware acceleration. hardware acceleration carries out all.

Android] 'WebView-- Caught a crash, signum=11'的解决】-移动 ...

Android] 'webview-- caught a crash, signum=11'的解决】-移动

css - Android WebView Hardware Rendering Weird Artifact Issue - Stack ...

Css - android webview hardware rendering weird artifact issue - stack

android webview android-webview

Android webview android-webview

I have a viewpager containing a webview. after some lacks of scroll performance and consulting stackoverflow, i finally disabled hardware acceleration for the webview.. Ics webview blinks when hardware acceleration is used: 70 people starred this issue and may be notified of changes. <uses-sdk android:. Android / hardware acceleration / webview by @feedly august 6, 2012. here are some interesting resources if you are interested in looking under the hood at how.


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